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The best aromas for your zodiac sign

The fragrance each person wears tells a lot about their character and personality. You may not have noticed before, but we tend to choose certain scents depending on the nature of our Star Sign. Read More »

What is a Saturn return? Everything you need to know

The return of Saturn is a crucial transition time for the psyche and life of each individual. Saturn is the planet that represents our structure, responsibility, discipline, patience, commitment to reality, self-sustainability, and maturity. Read More »

Why do full moons bring so many feels?

The Moon is that celestial body that governs our moods and feelings. Water is the element that represents our emotions, and it is a known fact that the Full Moon activity interferes with the tides of the ocean. Read More »

7 tarot tips every beginner reader needs to know

The mysterious world of tarot is undoubtedly a fascinating place that will lead you to tap into your intuitive powers and guide you through a lifetime of meaningful readings. Of course, the number of cards and their valuable meaning can be overwhelming at first but don’t lose heart. Read More »

10 things you should (and shouldn’t) do during a full moon

The Moon cycles provide valuable insights into our emotional state and the intentions we are manifesting in our lives. There are times, such as the New Moon when we seed our desires, and other times, such as the Full Moon, when we harvest those wishes we sow, whether we are aware of it or not. Read More »

5 things in your birth chart that predict love

Predicting the future of our love life is one of, if not the main, interests of people who dabble in their birth chart. Some people think it is impossible to predict what destiny has in store for us, but in fact, our birth chart shows those areas in which we can find our potential soul mate, as well as the qualities and characteristics of our ideal partner. Read More »

Never do these things during Uranus retrograde

Uranus is the planet that represents our independence, freedom, sense of justice, and community involvement. This planet rules the zodiac sign of Aquarius, and its transits bring surprises, unexpected changes, or significant breakthroughs to our lives. Read More »

The biggest money mistakes your zodiac sign makes

Money matters are often a tricky and significant topic for each and every adult person in the world. We all want to manage our finances, save for our future projects, and indulge in some treats from time to time. Not to mention investments! Read More »

Why you should check your child’s horoscope daily

The horoscope connects us to our highest purpose, talents, strengths, and the lessons we must learn. The planets are constantly moving around the galaxy, creating harmonic aspects that enhance our gifts and skills and challenging aspects that present us with challenges to evolve. Read More »

Zodiac Compatibility – What sign should you date?

Knowing someone’s zodiac sign will give you great insight into your astrological compatibility. Although there are many other factors to consider, our star sign indicates how we express our character, our drives, passions, aspirations, and life goals. Read More »

Naming your baby after their Zodiac Sign – Baby name ideas

Millennials and centennials are paying more and more attention to their child’s zodiac sign than ever before. Some people even plan the conception so that their newborn will be born under the sign they want. Read More »

Can numerology predict the future?

Numerology predicts the chances of certain events happening by studying the pattern of numbers. This knowledge states that if we break down the universe, the only things left will be numbers. Read More »

How numerology can help you through important life stages

Numerology is a sacred language that explains the correspondences between our life events and the numerical value in our birth date, name, and ideas. Read More »

What’s the difference between compatibility & love?

Compatibility is key to determining whether you can make a long-term relationship with another person work. However, love is irrational and has no specific purpose. It is a deep emotion that leads you to long for someone’s company, not because of their outlook on life but because your heart craves it. Read More »

How do you know if you’re compatible with someone?

When you are compatible with someone, you don’t feel the pressure of constantly proving something. You can just be yourself around that person, exactly the way you are, because you know you’re not being judged. Read More »

What does compatibility mean in a relationship?

Compatibility is not having the same taste in music or sharing an equal aversion to getting up early in the morning. It’s about the opinions and views you and your significant other have in common. Read More »

Can your birth chart predict your future?

Not too long ago, Astrology was considered a black and white kind of discipline that predicted the future of humanity. There were benefic and malefic planets as well as good and bad zodiac signs, and you would have a promising or dreadful future depending on the positions of the planets in your birth chart. Read More »

Difference between birth chart and horoscope

Horoscopes are small predictions based on the interpretations of the movements of the planets for each zodiac sign at a given time. Some horoscopes are based on the theory that people have a fixed destiny determined by these celestial bodies, without us having any part in it. Read More »

What are the personalities of the Zodiac signs?

The personality types of each sign vary depending on many factors. However, those signs that share the same elements are more similar to each other. Fire signs like Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius tend to be impulsive, self-confident, impatient, and passionate. Earth signs like Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are more calm, practical, and reliable. Read More »

Which Zodiac sign is the smartest?

An academic test cannot measure intelligence. In fact, there are eight different types of intelligence, and not all of them involve mathematical calculations. Some people are better at sports, others at painting and reading. Each zodiac sign has its own motivations and talents and approaches its surroundings at its own pace and style. Read More »

How can you tell if a Zodiac sign likes you?

There are essential hints we can pick up from other people to know if they are interested in us. Their face lights up when they see us, they are attentive to what we do, and they show a genuine interest in getting to know us better. But how do you tell if they are romantic or just plain friendly? Read More »

What does my Zodiac sign say about me?

We call the constellation in which the sun was transiting the day we were born our zodiac sign. This star sign represents the seed of possibilities of what you are going to become. It refers to those talents you are here to unfold, the essence of your identity. Read More »

What does your zodiac symbol mean?

Each astrological symbol has a unique meaning. Some come from ancient mythology, while others resemble ancient languages that were buried long ago. Here's what all 12 symbols of the zodiac signs mean. Read More »

What's the role of Earth in astrology?

Whether you're a grounded Earth sign or a whimsical air sign, the energies of Earth affect all of us in different ways. Even if our planet doesn't have a prominent role to play in your natal chart, it can still have a significant influence on your life. Here's a quick guide to Earth's role in astrology. Read More »

The best house plants for every zodiac sign

Want to fill your home with house plants that align with your energy? We’ve picked out the best house plants for every zodiac sign. So, whether you’re a spotlight-seeking Leo or a peace-loving Taurus, you’ll find a green companion that’s right for you. Read More »

Palm Reading: Indicators of Love in Palmistry

Palms can tell us a lot about our lives. And one of the most significant areas they can predict is our love life. Don't have time for a full palm reading, or want to understand more about a friend or partner? Here's how to read the signs of love on your palm. Read More »

10 things repeated numbers could mean about your future

Some numbers seem to follow us around. Whether significant events always seem to fall on a date with a four in it or you intuitively check the time around 3:03, it's probably not just coincidence. Here's what these ten digits could be trying to tell you about your existence, according to the science. Read More »

The Birth Chart and Your Caliber to Connect with the 'Other Worlds'

Ever wondered how come you just know certain things that others don't? Name it intuition, sensitivity, psychic awareness or empathy, it could elevate you or pull you down with heavy and painful emotions. The profound sense of awareness that you seem to possess can powerfully connect you with yourself and others. Read More »

Luckilious - Check out the Jupiter in Signs

Jupiter is the planet of luck and fortune. It promotes growth and happiness. If Jupiter unpacks loads of surprises, it also reveals shocks and caution. While lounging in each sign, this planet triggers certain factors peculiar to that sign. Let's see what it does to people and their personalities in each sign. Read More »

Triplicities and the Mystical Venusian Traits!

In the Circle of Zodiac, the twelve signs are grouped as 'Triplicities' based on the elements they dominate. All these four elements of fire, air, earth and water oscillate with their own magnetic fields exerting a different type of energy on the bodies that come in contact with them. Read More »

Life Path 33 - The Raw Power of the Mystical Number 33

Number 33 is a Master Teacher. 33 is a sacred number and is found hidden in many signs and forms. Spine- the reservoir of all spiritual energy has 33 vertebrae, Jesus lived for 33 years and the temple of Solomon stood for nearly 33 years. It is a highly charged number, and those born with it are blessed with its electric vibration that enables them to deliver to the best of their potential. Read More »

Compatibility Check: Which Zodiac Sign is Your Ideal Mate?

Compatibility is the most important thing in a relationship. When two people are able to relate with each other on an emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and physical level it creates a foundation for a strong relationship. Read More »

How Will the Mercury Retrograde Affect Your Zodiac?

Planets are constantly moving as they revolve around the Sun. During the course of this movement, they travel through all the 12 signs of the zodiac. The time that they take to move across a particular zodiac sign has an impact on that sign. This is the most basic definition of transit. Read More »

What kind of a co-worker you are based on your Zodiac?

Have you ever wondered what kind of a co-worker you are? Just like all the other aspects of life, your zodiac also plays an important role in your career. Let's just take an example, why are you the way you are? This is because of your basic nature and behaviour directly connected to astrological influences. Read More »

Know what makes you feel secure based on your zodiac sign

Security can never be optional or a matter of choice. It's an absolute expression of innate power meant to be exercised than kept hidden, and it's not only money that can impart a complete sense of security. Even things like high heels become an asset for security, an adage for tremendous self-expression. Read More »

Numerology - Here's What Your Life Path Number Tells About You

The concept of Numerology has made its way through mathematics. Known as the only language of the universe, it has proven that the whole creation can be explained through math. Surprising right? This is all pure and natural system the way the planet moves, river flows and things fall. Read More »